Welcome to our Missions Trip Blog

44 youth and adults from The Rock of Gainesville will be serving on a missions trip in Maypen, Jamaica, from July 9 - 15, 2008. Throughout the trip, we will post updates about our experiences here on this site. Please feel free to review it often for the latest news. When we return, the students will be posting their thoughts on the trip here as well.

We are excited about the opportunity and ask that you pray for us before and during our trip. We are asking God to do a work in us and through us.

Mission Trip Photos

Mission Trip Photos
Click image to see more trip photos (updated daily).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Student Reflections

Read each participant's overall thoughts on the trip at the 24/7 message board.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Arrival Home 2:20PM

We are on the road (finally) and the trip should take just under five hours. Allowing for a thirty minute stop at a turnpike service plaza, we should arrive at the church at 8 PM.

Everyone is in good spirits and eager to see family and friends. There is talk of a contigent going to Moe's for some American food, but that's off the record, of course.

It's good to be back in the good ol' US of A.

Thanks for being a part of our adventures through the blog.

Signing off for the last time...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


We just touched down in Ft. Lauderdale after a twenty minute delay circling the airport due to weather delay. Once we get through customs and pick up our luggage, we'll head home. We'll grab a bit to eat on one stop before reaching the church. We'll post our ETA in about an hour.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, July 14, 2008

Some Final Thoughts

We had a great time at the falls today. I'll let the kids tell you about it when they get home. We should have some pictures online in a few hours of today's adventures. The falls were awesome!

Some final thoughts as I wrap up this trip's blog:

1. We'll post one mre update tomorrow when we arrive in Ft. Lauderdale with our estimated arrival time at the church.

2. In the next few days, the kids will add their own posts to this site with their thoughts on the trip, so check back and read first-hand accounts of what the kids experienced this past week.

3. Finally, a challenge to every parent and every teen. If P7 organizes an event - Go! Whether its Breakaway, a missions trip, a conference, a getaway, cross training, etc. have a made-up mind that you will not let your child miss it. I have worked with P7 directly or indirectly in youth ministry for over ten years now, And I'm telling you, if he puts together an event, God will move in the lives of those who make the commitment to come. As I look around at this incredible group, I can't help but think of so many others who should be here with us. Whether it was fear of travel, worry about money, or just disinterest, it is sad that others were robbed of the experience that we had this week.

It is opportunities like these that propel kids forward in their relationship with God. They go way beyond being mere social events for teens; they are life-changing, culture-shaping moments that help define a generation.

As they grow older, don't let them forget the value of these moments and neglect the next one.

God is a great God and he will continue to show up as long as we are willing to invite him.

Thank you for your prayers this week. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night!

Heading to the Falls

We're eating breakfast and getting ready to head over to Ocho Rios to spend a few hours at Dunns River Falls (http://www.dunnsriverfallsja.com/). It's about a two hour bus ride, so we'll be pulling out at 9 AM.

I want everyone to know that we have a great group of adults on this trip. For all the commendations I given to our kids (deservedly so), I also wanted to let you know that the chaperones have been awesome as well. They have worked hard to ensure the safety of all of the kids, but have also been able to sit back and allow the kids to be at the center of the trip.

The chaperones have endured the same challenging conditions at times and have handled it all in stride. I have had a great time getting to know PT, Rob Dilbone, Terry Tomlin, and Ron Bennett better during this trip. I've know these guys for over ten years, but at the same time, I really didn't know them well at all. It was great to get to hang out with them, sitting at the pavillion and laughing together late into the night.

Thanks to everyone who has expressed their appreciation for this blog. It has been great fun to write and share with you our adventure as it has happened. We'll post another update tonight with some final thoughts on the trip as well as today's falls expedition.

Tomorrow morning, we leave early for the airport. I can't e-mail an update from my phone in Kingston, but we'll send one final update to the blog when we land in Fort Lauderdale to let everyone know we arrived safely and to provide an estimated time of arrival back in Gainesville.

Now, to the falls....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Morning Recap 2:10 PM

We've just returned from church this morning. Service started at 10:30 AM and ended around 12:45 PM. There was very little breeze, so it was quite warm. "Sister Brantley" led worship this morning. Pastor Svend shared a greeting and passed out 24/7 t-shirts to the people who have been so helpful to our group all week (cooks, drivers, etc.).

Pastor Svend also invited all of the youth from the church to come to the front. Then, all of us from Gainesville surrounded them and laid hands on them. Christina Dilbone and Matthew Akindipe prayed over them that they would make their mark on their community.

Pastor Dennis shared a great word on finding your purpose. In his teaching, he shared some of what God has called him to and how he has been able to walk it out. It gave our young people more insight into who he is and where he has come from.

At the close of the service, we sowed into The Rock by giving an offering.

As we enjoyed lunch together, it gave our youth one final opportunity to take photos with their new friends, love on people one more time, and collect names and e-mail addresses to keep in touch.

We will spend the rest of the day resting at the hotel before heading in to town tonight for dinner at KFC. Tomorrow is our play day in Ocho Rios. We'll visit the waterfalls and then go into town for some shopping. Please pray for our safety.

We have done a great work here in Jamaica. Now, we will pray that the seeds we've sown and the work we've begun will be more firmly established in the days and weeks and years after we leave. We will also pray that the work that God has done in our own lives will continue to flourish as we allow Him to use this experience to grow us further.

All remain well. Praise God!

Day Four Recap 11:50 PM

We've just returned from the church and are utterly exhausted. Tonight was another great night. We presented the same program as last night at a different location and Pastor Dennis preached afterward. It was so awesome to hear his heart for the city of May Pen. He really carries a burden for his people, particularly the young men of this city. I believe tonight was a prophetic statement to this community and a call to be joined to a man.

It has been a neat experience to see the work that Pastor Dennis has established here and to know that Pastor George and the people of The Rock of Gainesville have been a big part.

As I listened to him preach tonight with such passion and conviction, I could hear the foundation that Pastor George has laid in his life. Pastor Dennis truly has a father's heart and desire to see young men rise up and take their place in the kingdom.

To be here and see the school/church facility that our house helped to build by our offerings, it reminds us all of the value of our efforts and the importance of our giving.

It was a great night again and we are eager to get to bed tonight and get some rest.

Have a great morning at church back home. We miss everyone.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day Four Update 4:15PM

We've returned to the hotel to rest up for a short time before we return to the church for tonight's concert event. After working through some issues, we were able to move the event to the soccer field located directly behind the church. In order to do it, our boys had to carry all of the staging equipment from the front of the church to the back in the middle of lunch. They did it without the slightest complaint and with great enthusiasm. (In fact, it was the boys' persistence that finally persuaded Pastor Dennis to let us move the venue to the back for tonight.)

Josh Irwin has been incredible on this trip. He has such a servant's heart and jumps in to help whenever needed. He handles every circumstance in stride with such a great attitude that his influence and leadership among our young men has been quite evident. I appreciate the role he has played on this trip.

I have really enjoyed seeing Matthew Akindipe step out. There is a fire in that young man, and to hear it and see it this week has been very exciting.

There is such depth to the hearts of our young people. As I listened to Christina Dilbone share last night and pray this morning, I am amazed at the maturity of her life and faith. At times, she may appear quiet and content, but she is a deep well indeed.

Katelyn Hopkins blows me away. What an impressive young woman. There is a dream in her that is so big, you can't help but see it. She has an infectious joy that spreads to everyone around her. I so enjoy watching her worship the God that she loves so deeply.

Caileigh Rugar always has a child in her arms. Her ability to love on the children of the neighborhood is so heartwarming to see. Every time I look at her (and I don't think I'm exaggerating) she has some child that she has cradled in her arms, hoisted on her shoulders, or sitting in her lap. So many of our young people have really taken time to love and invest in the children they meet. What a loving group of kids we have.

It's time to get washed up before heading back out. We'll update you on tonight's event when we return to the hotel. It will probably be another late evening.

Tell everyone at church tomorrow morning that we are doing well, that we love and miss them, and that we are accomplishing great things. They can be very proud of how this group is representing our house!

More About Last Night

Some additional stories from last night's outreach...

A young man said that the Lifehouse Drama was a summary of his life and afterwards committed his life to Christ.

Pastor Dennis shared that he had received a prophetic word twenty years ago that he would appear on national television. As a result of our event last night, the national news filmed the entire event and will be broadcasting it throughout the entire island in the near future. P7 was interviewed afterwards in addition to Pastor Dennis and the other performers. An interesting side note - Anthony Acevedo shared last night that while he was praying over the trip this past month at home, he felt that God kept telling him that our trip would cause such an uprising that it would make the news. What a powerful thing to see how God draws all things together for his purposes.

We had a GREAT sound system, stage, and lighting to work with. If you could have seen the first system we looked at when we arrived.... oh my. As we prayed the past few days, we trusted God to provide for our needs and he most certainly delivered. Even when we arrived and foudn a few things missing yesterday, the tech crew managed to give us everything we needed. They kept going back to the truck and bringing out more. It was like the multiplying of the fish and loaves.

We sat in a circle last night when we returned to the hotel. For about an hour, the kids went around and shared about their experience. How awesome to hear the impact this trip has made in their lives. They have seen the faithfulness of God, witnessed miracles, and experienced how it feels to minister with God's annointing.

This morning, we are resting at the hotel. This afternoon we will head over to the church for lunch, watch a local soccer game, and prep for tonight.

Making an Impact

There have only been a few moments in life where I found myself at a loss for words in describing an experience - standing at the altar to receive a bride, the birth of my two sons, and what I was a part of tonight.

While it is probably impossible to truly express the spirit of what took place tonight, I will attempt to capture some of the high points.

Awesome. Powerful. Phenomenal. Annointed. Passionate.

From the moment we arrived, good thing started to happen.

You would have been so proud of the job that our kids did. The band rocked, the ministry teams were awesome, and P7's word to the community was powerful. God's annointing was on it all and lives were impacted. The reports of people who were touched by our presence were being shared throughout the night on our return trip.

There were probably about 250 people in attendance during the event. Once we started, the people started coming... and then they called their friends and it just kept growing.

At one point, I moved to the back of the area and stood with P7 watching our young people worship when another person was performing. It was so inspiring to watch. It's hard to describe the scene, but basically it was the equivalent of a Jamaican doing Christian karaoke and our young people were totally engaged in worship unto God, hands lifted, voices raised.

Prior to the beginning of the event, we gathered to pray out back. What an amazing thing to hear our young people pray and prophesy and build themselves up prior to ministering.

Jessica Brantley has been a tremendous asset to our team. She has nursed injuries and cared for those with mild sickness. She has been instrumental in leading devotions for our girls. And her leadership of our band and ability to lead worship tonight was so incredible. What an incredible young woman to lead the next generation.

Chelsea Hansen is a gifted leader. She is a strong leader, yet walks in humility before God with a solid understanding and respect for spiritual authority. Her leadership on the dance team and her positive attitude have been a joy to watch.

I am so proud of Alex Rick. I have truly enjoyed watching him mature in to the young man he has become. He has been awesome in so many ways on this trip.

I could go on and on and name every young person and tell you how they have made an impact,but it is getting very late and I need to get to bed. There are some great testimonies to share about tonight, but that wil have to wait until morning as well.

Be sure to check out some of the photos from today on our photo site by clicking the image at the top.

Keep praying for us. We're doing hard things!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Morning Recap 1:30PM

This morning we finished painting at the church and removed a ton of rock and debris from the unfinished floors so that they will be ready to have cement poured. This was accomplished by a large number of kids filling small buckets of rocks by hand, carrying them outside, and dumping them on a pile. It was somewhat reminicient of the scene in "Snow White" where the dwarfs work away while singing a happy tune. Our kids were on hands and knees shoveling rock barehanded and singing worship songs and having a great time! Pastor Dennis has already commended our kids on their great work ethic.

We had an opportunity to play soccer today with a local all-area team. It was a 13U team that represents Clarendon (the local region where Maypen is located). We played them with 8 soccer players from our group and a few others (me, P7, Scottie, Rashad, Marianne, & Catherine) filling in the gaps. After opening up a 2-0 lead, P7 subbed in as goalie and I went in as stopper and we promptly gave up two goals (the first was on purpose, the second... not so much). The game ended in a 2-2 tie. That team will be playing a big game tomorrow at 2 pm and we've promised them we will be there to cheer them on. Our girls were working on some new cheers during today's scrimmage to do for that team tomorrow. We'll post the pictures from this morning's game later this evening.

After lunch, we returned to the hotel for some rest. It is incredibly hot today and everyone worked hard this morning. The band will be heading back over at 4 pm for practice and then the other teams will follow shortly. Our concert begins at 7 pm.

We'll post an update and photos of tonight's activities when we return to the hotel (probably around midnight, our time).

I continue to be so impressed by the positive attitudes of our young people. On the van ride back to the hotel, I hear an exchange in which a girl without water pressure in her room asked another girl if she could shower in her room. The young lady explained that she and her sister were going to shower, but that they would shower together so that the other girl could come over sooner and get a shower as well. All of this was done with a spirit of cooperation, without a single complaint from either party. It's a small example of the kind of moments that have been taking place throughout our time here.

Anyone who will take time to hang out with our young people would quickly find a renewed faith in this generation. I am so privileged to be here participating in this trip with them. What a blessing it has been to me to be with them. The only negative part is the realization that I am not that young anymore. I remember when I used to have that much energy.... ahem, but I digress.

Thanks for your prayers. Everyone is healthy and doing well!

Day Three Announcements 830AM

We're sitting around getting ready for breakfast. Everyone seems well-rested and eager for today's events. Thanks to all who have posted comments - we've shared them with the kids during our meetings.

New entry under "Things You Don't Expect to See in Jamaica" - last night, there was a live band playing outside the pavillion of the hotel. After playing an enjoyable jazz set, the lead singer serenaded the crowd with a rendition of Kenny Roger's 1970's song, "You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Lucille."

Parents - we have a international phone that we have purchased for use in Jamaica. It has unlimited incoming calls at no charge. If you would like to speak to your child, you can call the number. Ron Bennett will probably answer - just ask for your child and he'll go get them. If they are not available, Ron will tell you when to call back. The number is (876) 393-0466. It should be a standard long distance call from the US. Due to the large number of people who wish to use the phone (and the limited battery life), please keep calls brief.

One last announcement... we will be involved in much of Sunday's church service when we return. Please make plans for your child to attend both services on July 20. We will be performing several of the dances and dramas and leading worship. More details when we return.

We're heading over to the church to do some additional work and prep for tonight. Next update will be after lunch today.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day Two Final Thoughts 9:10PM

We had a great time at dinner this evening at the church. Afterwards, we gathered in front of the church and worshipped and prayed over tomorrow night's outreach. We have decided to set up our stage right in the front yard of the church instead of on the soccer field behind the church. We want to help Pastor Dennis draw people to his house and are confident that this is God's plan for our time here. Please be praying that our efforts will draw the community to the house of God.

A few interesting happenings from today:

1. Her roommates report that when the water stopped and Kelsi had to finish showering under a trickle of water, she was heard singing "God Bless America" with great conviction.

2. Everyone on the trip now knows what marijuana smoke smells like. It was quite prevalent on our drive across town and even in the neighborhood surrounding the church. (But don't worry, we didn't inhale...)

3. One of the young ladies that we met today taught our girls a few Jamaican songs. On the ride home from dinner, I was serenaded by 15 girls singing the Jamaican equivalent of "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round" over and over.

On a more serious side, I have a better understanding now of why Pastor so covets our prayers during missions trips. After traveling to get here, battling fatigue and and even some illness, it's encouraging to know that others are praying for us, because it's difficult to muster up the strength to really stand on your own at times.

We are having group devotions from 9 - 10 pm tonight. Pastor Svend is leading the guys' group, and Jessica is leading the girls' group.

Please be praying over tomorrow night's outreach. We will begin at 7 pm (8 pm EST).

We will be uploading photos each day, so click on the photo link in this blog to be redirected to our photo site. You can browse through and get a glimpse of what we're doing here.

Have a good night.

Day Two Update 4:20PM

We arrived at The Rock of Maypen shortly after ten this morning. A group of students painted the interior rooms of the church while the rest went outside to pick up A LOT of trash on the soccer field where we will be performing on Saturday night.

We have a great group of kids on this trip! They worked hard, picked up yucky trash, and did it all with a smile. When lunch was delayed and we had to sit around and wait for a while, the kids didn't complain. They played games with the neighborhood kids who had come by, sang songs, and enjoyed being together. It was awesome to see some positive attitudes!

The church provided the lunch today - fried chicken and curry goat with rice. Despite some reservations, the kids ate the food and really enjoyed it. Most daring enough to try the goat thought it was really good.

We headed back over the hotel around 3 pm for some free time. Half of the group promptly headed for the swimming pool (blue water, but cloudy). Terry Tomlin braved the water with the kids - the rest of the adults are content to sit in the shade and sneak in a nap.

The weather so far has been quite tolerable. Clear skies with a strong, cool breeze pretty much throughout the trip. It beats the Florida humidity, so I don't think any of us would complain at this point.

Pastor Tad purchased several ceiling fans for the church which we'll install tomorrow. That will help when we packed our 44 into the church building with everyone else for service on Sunday morning.

At 4:30 pm, we'lll be meeting for a time of worship together and then we going to break up into our ministry teams for rehearsals. At 6 pm, we'll head back over to the church for dinner.

Thank you for your prayers - P7 is feeling better and even ate some food at lunch time. The room problems have been corrected (we think) and everyone is doing well.

Next update will be later tonight.

Day Two Begins 9AM

We've adjusted our clocks to Jamaica time now (one hour earlier because they don't observe Daylight Savings Time here).

After a good night's sleep, everyone is feeling refreshed. Some were able to get showers last night, some this morning. Sadly, some rooms have had issues with no water pressure, no hot water, and backed up sewage, but attitudes remain good and we are hopeful to have some of these issues cleared up by tonight.

We're about to have a nice hot breakfast together here at the hotel, then a time of prayer before we head over to The Rock of Maypen to work for the day.

We've rented a stage, lighting, and sound equipment, and we'll be preparing the two sites for the concerts this week as well. Pastor Dennis has asked us to perform in the field next to the Tigermart on Friday night, and the soccer field at the rec center behind the church on Saturday night. Both areas are littered with trash and needto be cleaned up.

At the church, we'll be painting the exterior of the building, installing some ceiling fans, and possibly pouring concrete in the floors of some of the unfinished rooms.

If you would like to post a comment, we are able to check updates each morning and night and I would be happy to pass along your comments to any of the kids or the entire group.

Eveyone is healthy and doing well.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wrapping Up Day One

The leaders are looking pretty tired (we've been out scouting the terrain for the outreach). There seems to be an adundance of energy amongst the youth (they snuck in naps this afternoon). They are having a great time hanging out at the pavillion and playing cards in large groups at various tables.

We ended up having dinner at the hotel and not with The Rock of Maypen. (That's tomorrow). We're about to finish up and then everyone will be heading back to their rooms for devotions (Ephesians 1 & 2). Tomorrow, we'll be working at the church (painting) and cleaning and preparing the soccer field where the concerts will be held on Friday & Saturday.

Thanks to all of the parents who gathered tonight to pray for our trip. Thanks to all who continue to pray for us. Please be praying for Pastor Svend. He has been battling a stomach illness since we left yesterday and is having to stick to a liquid diet for the next two days in an effort to get better. We are believing for God's supernatural healing now.

Well, Day One is just about in the books (literally, since the kids will be recording their thoughts in their journals before bedtime.)

We love and miss you all!

At the Hotel 4:45 PM

We stopped in Kingston at a Burer King for lunch after leaving the airport. As we walked into the BK, one young person observed that it "smelled like America."

After waiting as 44 people went through the line, PT paid the bill - $16,000! (Of course, that's Jamaica dollars - which works a lot like monopoly money - or about $225 USD for lunch).

The drive to the hotel was scenic. Mostly a four-lane highway along the water before turning inland. Some students used this time to get in a power nap, others played cards and talked amongst themselves.

The hotel is nice. It's clean. And once the AC was turned on, the room started to cool. Should be pleasant enough by bedtime.

We held our first information meeting in the courtyard area. A neat, covered pavillion with a bar (don't worry - the kids ordered Jamaican Ginger Ales). We'll enjoy some free time before having dinner with the folks from The Rock of Maypen. We'll wrap up the night with some worship and prayer time and room devotions.

Safely Here 11:37 AM

We have landed safely in Kingston and are waiting in line at customs and them baggage claim. The flight was uneventful for the most part. I had the privilege of sitting with Amanda Powell during the flight. Amanda was very EXCITED about the trip and talked to me during the entire flight!

Wesley played assassins on board and Alicen survived the landing. : )

We will grab some lunch here in town before we load up by bus for the two hour drive to Maypen.

We have liftoff

Our flight out was delayed, but we have finally started boarding at 9:15 with takeoff to follow in about 30 minutes. We should land in Kingston around 11:30.
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Airport Arrival

It's 6:05 and we have arrived safely at the airport. There is a long line of tired faces waiting to check in. The bus was freezing cold and only some were able to get any real sleep. Despite the fatigue, spirits are high.

PT and P7 have our group really well-organized. Our flight departs in about two hours, so after we are all checked in, we'll grab some breakfast and find a bench to lay down on and relax.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

And We're Off

Pulling out right on schedule just before 1 am. We have a five hour bus ride to the Ft Lauderdale airport before our flight departs at 8 am.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Almost Time

We had our final rehearsal on Sunday Night and it went really well. The kids have worked hard on their music, dance, and drama and they are excited about taking it to Jamaica.

We will be working at The Rock of Maypen on Thursday and setting up and practicing for our "concerts" on Friday and Saturday night.

Be praying for our safety as we travel Tuesday night and Wednesday to Maypen.

We are meeting at the church at midnight for anyone who wants to come see us off.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry