Welcome to our Missions Trip Blog

44 youth and adults from The Rock of Gainesville will be serving on a missions trip in Maypen, Jamaica, from July 9 - 15, 2008. Throughout the trip, we will post updates about our experiences here on this site. Please feel free to review it often for the latest news. When we return, the students will be posting their thoughts on the trip here as well.

We are excited about the opportunity and ask that you pray for us before and during our trip. We are asking God to do a work in us and through us.

Mission Trip Photos

Mission Trip Photos
Click image to see more trip photos (updated daily).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day Four Recap 11:50 PM

We've just returned from the church and are utterly exhausted. Tonight was another great night. We presented the same program as last night at a different location and Pastor Dennis preached afterward. It was so awesome to hear his heart for the city of May Pen. He really carries a burden for his people, particularly the young men of this city. I believe tonight was a prophetic statement to this community and a call to be joined to a man.

It has been a neat experience to see the work that Pastor Dennis has established here and to know that Pastor George and the people of The Rock of Gainesville have been a big part.

As I listened to him preach tonight with such passion and conviction, I could hear the foundation that Pastor George has laid in his life. Pastor Dennis truly has a father's heart and desire to see young men rise up and take their place in the kingdom.

To be here and see the school/church facility that our house helped to build by our offerings, it reminds us all of the value of our efforts and the importance of our giving.

It was a great night again and we are eager to get to bed tonight and get some rest.

Have a great morning at church back home. We miss everyone.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Jim and team,
I woke up this morning at 5 and the only thing I felt I was supposed to pray about was strength for all of you. Some scriptues that came to mind and I prohesied over the team: Be strong and courageeous...Don't grow weary in well doing (and you are doing a great work)...that God will gird you with strength for the battle (Psalm 18:39, I think)...I also prayed that He would multiply your sleep. You all are amazing. Please tell Chelsea we love her. Remember what P.ED prayed in Tuesday morning prayer a few weeks ago that God would fill you all and you would come back "spent". I believe that is happening.
Love to all,

Lynn said...

Hey Guys! I hope you are having a lot of fun in Jamaica! I love you Patrick! I'll see you when you get back! Yah Mon!
Love ya,
Chris J