Welcome to our Missions Trip Blog

44 youth and adults from The Rock of Gainesville will be serving on a missions trip in Maypen, Jamaica, from July 9 - 15, 2008. Throughout the trip, we will post updates about our experiences here on this site. Please feel free to review it often for the latest news. When we return, the students will be posting their thoughts on the trip here as well.

We are excited about the opportunity and ask that you pray for us before and during our trip. We are asking God to do a work in us and through us.

Mission Trip Photos

Mission Trip Photos
Click image to see more trip photos (updated daily).

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's only a day away!

We are all preparing for our 2012 mission trip to Maypen, Jamaica!! This is a test blog to make sure that I know what I'm doing to keep updates while we are gone. 

Please be in prayer for our team as we prepare and travel.  We have a lot of new mission trippers (including me!) so this will be a great experience for us all!

--Grace Arrington :)

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