Welcome to our Missions Trip Blog

44 youth and adults from The Rock of Gainesville will be serving on a missions trip in Maypen, Jamaica, from July 9 - 15, 2008. Throughout the trip, we will post updates about our experiences here on this site. Please feel free to review it often for the latest news. When we return, the students will be posting their thoughts on the trip here as well.

We are excited about the opportunity and ask that you pray for us before and during our trip. We are asking God to do a work in us and through us.

Mission Trip Photos

Mission Trip Photos
Click image to see more trip photos (updated daily).

Monday, July 14, 2008

Heading to the Falls

We're eating breakfast and getting ready to head over to Ocho Rios to spend a few hours at Dunns River Falls (http://www.dunnsriverfallsja.com/). It's about a two hour bus ride, so we'll be pulling out at 9 AM.

I want everyone to know that we have a great group of adults on this trip. For all the commendations I given to our kids (deservedly so), I also wanted to let you know that the chaperones have been awesome as well. They have worked hard to ensure the safety of all of the kids, but have also been able to sit back and allow the kids to be at the center of the trip.

The chaperones have endured the same challenging conditions at times and have handled it all in stride. I have had a great time getting to know PT, Rob Dilbone, Terry Tomlin, and Ron Bennett better during this trip. I've know these guys for over ten years, but at the same time, I really didn't know them well at all. It was great to get to hang out with them, sitting at the pavillion and laughing together late into the night.

Thanks to everyone who has expressed their appreciation for this blog. It has been great fun to write and share with you our adventure as it has happened. We'll post another update tonight with some final thoughts on the trip as well as today's falls expedition.

Tomorrow morning, we leave early for the airport. I can't e-mail an update from my phone in Kingston, but we'll send one final update to the blog when we land in Fort Lauderdale to let everyone know we arrived safely and to provide an estimated time of arrival back in Gainesville.

Now, to the falls....


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to check in and let you know that Gabe & I are praying for you. We are so proud of you and excited to hear about all that's been accomplished. I know much "fruit" will continue to grow even as you head home b/c of all the great seed you've planted into the church there and the community. I can't wait to see you guys and hear more great reports! Love you all! ~Kristen H : )

Anonymous said...

Hey 24/7 and chaperones,
We are so proud of all of you and how you have upheld the Name you've been entrusted to share and live out before the people of Jamaica. Also proud of all who climbed the falls, it wasn't easy. Thanks for taking care of each other. See ya tomorrow night.
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Teri (Hopkins)