Welcome to our Missions Trip Blog

44 youth and adults from The Rock of Gainesville will be serving on a missions trip in Maypen, Jamaica, from July 9 - 15, 2008. Throughout the trip, we will post updates about our experiences here on this site. Please feel free to review it often for the latest news. When we return, the students will be posting their thoughts on the trip here as well.

We are excited about the opportunity and ask that you pray for us before and during our trip. We are asking God to do a work in us and through us.

Mission Trip Photos

Mission Trip Photos
Click image to see more trip photos (updated daily).

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wrapping Up Day One

The leaders are looking pretty tired (we've been out scouting the terrain for the outreach). There seems to be an adundance of energy amongst the youth (they snuck in naps this afternoon). They are having a great time hanging out at the pavillion and playing cards in large groups at various tables.

We ended up having dinner at the hotel and not with The Rock of Maypen. (That's tomorrow). We're about to finish up and then everyone will be heading back to their rooms for devotions (Ephesians 1 & 2). Tomorrow, we'll be working at the church (painting) and cleaning and preparing the soccer field where the concerts will be held on Friday & Saturday.

Thanks to all of the parents who gathered tonight to pray for our trip. Thanks to all who continue to pray for us. Please be praying for Pastor Svend. He has been battling a stomach illness since we left yesterday and is having to stick to a liquid diet for the next two days in an effort to get better. We are believing for God's supernatural healing now.

Well, Day One is just about in the books (literally, since the kids will be recording their thoughts in their journals before bedtime.)

We love and miss you all!

1 comment:

write2life said...

I've praying for P7 in my office this morning and Gina & I were praying for the the entire team this morning.

Love you guys,
